I have seriously neglected this website and you can put that down to workload or to the distractions of the Covid 19 Pandemic. I have reasons and excuses but the best thing now is to wake myself up and start writing again.
I watched an art teacher almost fall asleep when we were marking GCSE work last week, she had been at school every night until 8p.m, was writing reports, teaching all her lessons, and then staying behind to mark her work. That is dedication.
Diminishing arts provision in schools will have a long term negative effect on the strength and economic potential of our renowned cultural and creative industries. Art should be available to all.
Who says Art is NOT academic?
I’m keen to talk about a recent experience which has been a major part of this- a “residency” at Seascape Primary School in Durham. Seascape is a fabulous new build school, with a view of the sea to rival any holiday destination, but is set in Peterlee, an area with high unemployment. Art is an important part of the school curriculum there and valued by the head teacher and the staff. I have been asked to form a partnership with them as their “artist” and the art coordinator (Jo Brown) had a vision of us perhaps taking this in a different direction- with a focus on more conceptual and contemporary art forms.
It’s two weeks since I blogged so I must tell you about some of the adventures I have had.
“A VALENTINE FOR MISTER GOVE”. Here it is ! Download the flyer and send it round….
A Christmas Card for Mister Gove poster and flyer . Make that card and and then POST FIRST CLASS on MONDAY 12th !!!!!!!!
Address labels for rainbow for Mister Gove at this link.
Either print and use or just copy the address.
Sunny weather may have distracted us from the fact that October has arrived, and October is BIG DRAW month.
Rainbow for Mister Gove project
Helpful links for the rainbow for Mister Gove project
The support from across the UK has been staggering. But, if everyone who is involved can get one other person involved, then we can double up on our postal missives and make Mister Gove’s letterbox, in that first week of November, resound to the sight and the sound of creativity.
It’s a canny life really…….maybe not quite what Cheryl Cole thought last week but I packed a lot in and am now finding a bit of time to reflect on a busy few days.
Teachers need opportunities to create for themselves, as well as facilitate creativity, and this was one of those opportunities.
Few people understand the importance of drawing in everyday life, or feel confident in their ability to draw or to support others to draw. This limits expression, innovation, and learning. The Campaign for Drawing exists to raise the profile of drawing and to promote its use as a tool for learning, thought, creativity, innovation, communication and social and cultural engagement for all: in brief, to get everyone drawing.
This week saw the Arts Council England announcing who they would and would not support with funding, inasmuch as their own funding is being sliced away by our glorious Coalition government. There has been more transparency than in previous years but, at the end of the day, what can you say to those who didn’t get what they wanted ? […]
I think, on Thursday, that I had an experience which underlined for me the real importance of the subject.
But the thing is, I sometimes feel I am over the top with eulogies and praise, but….I just can’t tell you how good it feels to be part of this huge and fun group of people who form the network. I come away feeling inspired and enthusiastic even if I have had the longest day possible before the sessions. North East Art Teacher Educator Network rocks.
Everyone has given me such a warm welcome and I am really looking forward to future work and “arty” events on the beautiful little island.
EBacc? You would be forgiven for thinking that it sounds like a type of virus. In fact, word about the EBacc has become quite viral since it was parachuted into the educational scene by the Coalition Government.
Welcome to my blog….
I hope to keep you up to date with all my activities and also create a blog which reflects my feelings and views on the world around me. I am based in the north east of England, a lovely place to live, but have many opportunities to travel in my work…which I enjoy. We are currently […]